荷蘭設計鬼才Marcel Wanders的創意狂想曲

TEXT=Amber Chan  PHOTOS=Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

「鬼才」,一個比「才華」更有張力的形容詞,用來形容荷蘭設計師Marcel Wanders鬼斧神工般的創意設計一點也不為過。自從法國設計師Philippe Starck半隱退後,鬼才的寶座順理成章地由Wanders繼承,因此阿姆斯特丹市立博物館(Stedelijk Museum)便將年度整修後的第一個檔期獻給這位不按牌理出牌的設計師,大張旗鼓的展開《Pinned Up at the Stedelijk》特展。


與Philippe Starck一樣,Marcel Wanders對很多人來說並不陌生,這位設計界型男在1988年畢業於雅能藝術學院(Institute of the Arts Arnhem),1996年為荷蘭知名品牌droog設計《Knotted Chair》,不論是造型、細節還是工法,大膽前衛的風格在當時廣受矚目,從此奠定他在國際設計圈的地位。2001年,他更與Casper Vissers共同創立moooi,成為設計界打破傳統、推翻現代極簡設計的重要指標品牌。


Marcel Wanders到底有多鬼才?從展覽中便能一窺究竟。他打破工業革命後所帶來的機械式思維,企圖逃離大量複製、機器量產的陰霾,不斷創造出一連串看似簡單卻深具諷刺意味的顛覆性設計。異質混搭、風格再造,時而戲謔時而嚴肅,各種熟悉的具像圖形在其巧手之下跳脫了原有的隱喻,讓既有的物理規則在轉瞬間變得神秘莫測;他的厲害之處在於能讓超現實的靈感無拘無束地恣意延伸,卻又能明確落實在觸手可得的生活用品上。在Marcel Wanders的奇幻王國裡,「規則」從來就不在他的律法內。


這次Marcel Wanders在阿姆斯特丹市立博物館的個人特展,將展出他25年來的創作歷史,滿滿的視覺符碼熱鬧喧擾,千頭萬緒地描寫了他歷年來的精彩故事。


Marcel Wanders

Expo 2000, Hanover The Royal Wing Room is the heart of the little green island floating on top of the remarkable Dutch Pavilion. Designed by the Dutch Designer Marcel Wanders and his studio the elliptical room makes you feel like youíre stepping into a different world. The first thing you see when entering the Royal Room is the big, oval, white floor with curled up borders, like an empty ice rink waiting for itsí skaters. The shiny snow-white floor reflects the highlights of thousands of silvery twigs, spread across the curved ceiling. Although there are no windows it would appear, through an intelligent lighting-system, that the sun sometimes sends her rays gleaming into the room, followed by the shadows of invisible clouds. During this light experience the air is filled with the crystalline sound of clinking wineglasses, which are hard to recognize having been mounted between the silvery twigs on the sparkling ceiling. Even the specially woven tablecloth seems to mirror the glittery objects above. The inhabitants of the Royal Wing Room are the V.I.P. chairs. All forty-four unique chairs skate across the icy floor with their V.I.P.ís, enjoying their diner-dansant. Photographer: DaniÎl Nicolas



從產品設計到空間設計,Marcel Wanders維持他一貫奉  行的設計準則,反傳統、挑戰既定框架,怪傑創意因他的大膽假設得以無限擴張,豐富了設計界的各式表情與姿態。或許他的作品總令人摸不著頭緒,但你可以抱持著一個開放的心情,掙脫傳統束縛,大膽加入他的異想世界,必定會有不一樣的收穫!

